I didn't take a lot of pictures on this trip, but here are a few more to wrap things up.

Lost in space and time somewhere on the Alaska Highway.

Gas stations are all self serve.  Occasionally they require you to
photograph the amount at the pump and bring it in to the cashier.

I want to know what this bird is. 
Note: 7/27 A friend has now identified this as a Cedar Waxwing.  This was at Toad River
which, according to my Sibley guide, would be at the very northernmost edge of this bird's 
summer range
More scenery.  The turquoise strip is a bit of Muncho Lake.  It skirts the road
for several miles.  At times the water is at the edge of the pavement.

More scenery somewhere on the Alcan.

Another of the wild goats.  I think that's Muncho Lake
in the background.

It's hard to point your camera without catching something nice.

An ore carrier at dock in Stewart.  Good size ships come
up the fjord, 70 miles from open water.

These look like the lupines we have in SoCal but with really big
leaves.  This is next to the road in southern BC.  Highway 16.

Shore of Great Slave Lake at Hay River.

Mosquitoes here are really big, but slow and easy to swat. They
are only a problem when they are in dense swarms.

One more tree lined corridor.  Somewhere on the
Liard Highway.