This blog documents my motorcycle travels beginning in 2017. It was created as an alternative to email to keep friends abreast of my whereabouts and as a convenient way to keep my notes organized. If you are a stranger who just stumbled in here, you are welcome.
If you are not following this blog on a daily basis (who is?), the best way to read it is to select one of the buttons at the top for a specific trip. The content for 2017 and 2018 was assembled after the fact from emails and notes. Posts for a current trip read in traditional blog order (most recent first). Older posts are reordered to appear in chronological order.
Comments have been turned off for this site. However, if you have some burning
question or helpful tip, please email me. If you are polite, I
will reply, eventually.
If you know my personal email address, please use it. Otherwise, you can send email to the following:
Who I am
Just another retired guy who likes to roam about on his motorcycle.